Computer Integrated Machining
The Computer Integrated Machining course of study is designed to prepare the interested student for varied manufacturing opportunities. The demands for the highly skilled craftsman are many. From Machine Operator to Toolmaker, from Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Operator to CNC Programmer, all start with the experience and training found in our complete precision machining lab.
This program is nationally certified with the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). It emphasizes the safe and proper operation of metalworking machine tools such as lathes, milling machines, precision grinders and drill presses. The course also includes an introduction to layout and blueprint reading and instruction in CNC machining and programming.
Instructor: Mr. John Jacobs (
Please see the tabs below for more detailed information about the program.
- Task List
- Equipment/Materials/Uniforms/Other Requirements
- Safety
- Physical Criteria
- Industry Certifications
- Cooperative Education Opportunities
- Honors Course
- Career/College
- Profile of a Graduate