Student Handbook
- Attendance
- Discipline
- Grades, Assessments, Retention Criteria, and Obligations
- Health and Human Services
- Policies/Acknowledgement Forms
- Safety and Security Policies and Guidelines
- Student Activities
- Student Responsibilities
- Student Rights
Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is essential to the successful completion of the educational objectives of the school. The school laws of Pennsylvania require all school-age children to be in attendance on all days that the school is open. The school attendance laws also require the school to hold
students and their parents accountable for valid documentation of reasons for absence. For further information, please refer to Board Policy Manual: Section 200 Pupils, Title: Attendance, Code 204.
Attendance Regulations
Every student enrolled at North Montco Technical Career Center must be in attendance daily. Excused absences from this policy include:
1. Personal illness
- Doctor’s or dentist’s written excuse
- Recovery from an accident
- Approved medical or dental appointments
- Obtaining professional health care or therapy service rendered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts in any state, commonwealth, or territory
2. Quarantine of the individual at home
3. Death in the immediate family (5 day maximum)
4. School-authorized field trip, school-approved activities, or approved educational travel (prior approval of High School Principal and Technical Career Center Administration)
5. Emergency reasons as approved by the Technical Career Center Administration
6. Religious holiday as observed by the sending school district
7. Observance of a religious holiday observed by a bonafide religious group, upon written parent request
8. Required court appearance
9. Post-secondary school visitations (with Administrative approval)
NMTCC has implemented a phone notification system to improve communication. This system may be used to inform parents/guardians on a daily basis of their child’s absence from NMTCC.
Attendance is required of all students at NMTCC. A work ethic grade is included as 30% of a student’s total grade. Attendance is a component of work ethic grading.
- After five (5) cumulative days of absence, the parents may receive a letter from NMTCC notifying them of their child’s excessive absence.
- A student who accumulates ten (10) or more absences will be referred to NMTCC’s Guidance Department. A School Attendance Improvement conference may be arranged with the parents/ guardians to discuss the attendance record, the appropriateness of the student’s placement at NMTCC, and the implication of further absence.
When students acquire eighteen (18) days of absence, the students and their parents may be offered an Administrative Hearing. Discretion may be used for absences occurring under direct doctor’s care verified by a physician’s note. All other absences may apply to the attendance policy.
*Please Note: refer to your program’s specific requirements regarding attendance.
Students choosing to attend NMTCC on a day when their sending school is closed must have prior permission from the technical instructor.
Absence Verifications
Parents are required to call or email the Attendance Secretary at 215-368-1177 or to notify the school of their child’s absence for that day. Upon return to school, the student must present a written excuse for the absence. The instructor at the beginning of the school year will issue blank excuse forms to each student. This excuse form must be presented to the attendance secretary upon return to school. The parent must state the specific reason for the absence and sign and date the card. Attendance office personnel will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. If no written excuse is submitted by the end of the marking period, the absence would be recorded as unexcused.
(Note: Absence excuse notes should include the student's name, grade, sending school, technical program, date of absence or tardiness, the reason for absence or tardiness, and the parent or guardian's signature.)
Unexcused or Unlawful Absence/Truancy
For students who are of compulsory school age, three (3) days of unlawful absences may necessitate a warning notice to be sent in accordance with Section 1333 of the School Code. All subsequent unlawful absences may be referred to the district magistrate for possible fines or to Montgomery County Juvenile Court. Truancy designates a student’s absence from school without advance consent from a parent or guardian. Students may be assigned one (1) detention for each day truant. An unexcused/ unlawful absence from school cannot be made up and the student will receive no credit for work missed.
Frequent absences from school disrupt the educational process. The benefits from regular attendance and instruction are lost and cannot be regained. Absences will be recorded as unexcused, based on, but not limited to the following list of reasons:
1. Oversleeping
2. Car trouble
3. Unauthorized trips
4. Unauthorized vacations
5. Missing the bus
6. Working before, during or after school hours on a day of absence
7. Job interviews (unless authorized by the Work Based Learning Program)
Lateness Tardiness to School or Class
NMTCC instructional program includes emphasizing those qualities necessary for successful employment during and after the student’s technical preparation. Among the most sought after qualities in an employee are dependability and promptness. We will do everything possible to reinforce those qualities.
When arriving late to NMTCC, immediately report to the main office and receive an admission pass, before reporting to your classroom.
Lateness is divided into two (2) categories. The first category involves a situation where the student is late arriving at NMTCC from the sending school. The second category involves situations where the student is late for a class session after arriving at NMTCC. These two categories of lateness will be handled as follows:
Arriving late from Sending School
If a student is late arriving from the sending school because the student missed the authorized transportation from the sending school, the student must follow these guidelines.
A. The student must report to the sending school office before proceeding to NMTCC. This lateness will be handled according to the sending school policies.
B. If a means of transportation can be secured to get the tardy student to NMTCC, the sending school will contact NMTCC regarding the arrangements and give the student written authorization. Students will not be given the authorization to drive to NMTCC if they miss the authorized transportation.
Lateness within NMTCC
Any student who is reported as “late” for a class session or activity, without a reasonable and acceptable explanation, will be handled under the guidelines of the DISCIPLINARY RESPONSES MATRIX.
NOTE: If a student misses the bus returning to the sending school, the student, if possible, will return to their technical classroom until the next available bus returns to the sending school. If this option is unavailable, other arrangements will be made through the guidance office and/or Dean of Students until the next available bus returns to the sending school. If the next bus is not until the next school day, the parent or guardian will be notified to pick up the student.
Leaving Early
Parents and students are strongly encouraged to schedule all appointments during non-school time. Students requiring early dismissal from school must first obtain permission from the Attendance Secretary in the Main Office. A note from the parent requesting permission for the student to leave early is also necessary. The note must include a telephone number where a parent can be reached. All requests may be verified through direct parent contact. If someone is picking up the student other than the parent, this information must be stated in the note.
Students being dismissed early must report to the Attendance Secretary in the Main
Office and sign out before leaving school. Work missed must be made up in order to receive credit. No student is permitted to leave the school grounds at any time without a note from a school Administrator, School Nurse, or the NMTCC Attendance Secretary. Students who become ill during the school day must go to the school nurse for early dismissal. Anyone picking up a student must enter the main office with a driver’s license.
School Closing Announcements
NMTCC has chosen to adopt the Finalsite Rapid Notification Service to enhance parental communication. This service will allow the school to send a voice and/or email message to all parents, employees, and emergency contacts within minutes, if an emergency occurs at the school. The Finalsite service will also assist NMTCC in reducing the resources needed to pass along key information regarding school events or reminders.
Students whose sending school is closed will be excused from attending classes at NMTCC. NMTCC school closings are broadcast over KYW News/CBS3, NBC 10, 6ABC and on our website
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw from school must follow the procedure outlined by their district of residence. In addition, the student must report to NMTCC to return all books and supplies. Upon completion of all obligations, the Student Services Secretary will issue a withdrawal note that must be returned to the sending district.
The Code of Student Conduct
The mission of NMTCC is teaching and learning. Simply stated, the philosophy of discipline to which NMTCC subscribes is that any disruptive acts that impede the teaching and learning process will not be tolerated. Students who engage in acts of misconduct jeopardize their own education, interfere with the learning of others, and tend to undermine the school’s instructional program. It is the responsibility of the school to take whatever steps are necessary to correct student misconduct through the use of appropriate measures.
NMTCC takes the position that effective discipline can be maintained best by balancing corrective and restorative approaches. To this end, NMTCC follows a progressive discipline model to assist students in developing skills in conflict resolution, empathy, and self-discipline. (See Discipline Response Matrix).
The Disciplinary Response Matrix found in the policy section below provides a list of examples of misbehaviors and possible disciplinary responses. The guidelines are to be viewed as examples only and do not represent all types of misbehaviors or necessarily the resulting consequences:
Student Infraction and Disciplinary Response Code:
1. Written Reprimand
2. Detentions
3. Suspensions
4. Suspensions with recommendation for removal from NMTCC and/or expulsion from sending school
Detentions (STAR PROGRAM)
Detentions will be served during school and will be scheduled twice a month. Students who are issued a detention will be required to attend the STAR Program during the session they attend NMTCC. The STAR Program focuses on Social/Emotional Learning, Technical Education, Alternative Learning, and Restorative Practices.
Students/ parents will be notified in writing of the detention date.
Students who are absent on the designated detention day are expected to serve on the next scheduled date.
Students are required to serve a minimum of 1 hour.
Students must complete/participate appropriately in structured activities before returning to their technical program to finish out the day.
Students who misbehave in detention will receive an automatic suspension.
After 3 detentions, an OSS will be assigned for the next infraction.
In the event that the Superintendent of the sending school district and the NMTCC Director agree that expulsion is merited, an expulsion hearing is scheduled before the Board of School Directors of the sending school district.
Such hearings may be scheduled in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education and its regulations.
For Out-of-School Suspensions not exceeding 3 days:
1. The student is informed orally of the reasons for the suspension and is given a chance to respond.
2. The parents or guardians are notified immediately by phone and in writing.
3. The student is not permitted on the NMTCC campus or at school-sponsored functions.
For Out-of-School Suspensions Exceeding 3 days:
1. The student is informed orally of the reasons for the suspension and is given a chance to respond.
2. The parents or guardians are notified immediately by phone and in writing of the suspension. Prior notice of the suspension need not be given when it is clear that the health, safety, or welfare of the school community is threatened.
3. A parent or guardian must call the school within 3 days of receiving the notice of suspension letter to arrange a time for the informal hearing,
4. The purpose of the informal hearing is to enable the student to meet with the appropriate school officials to explain the circumstances surrounding the event for which the student is being suspended, or to show that there is some compelling reason why the student should not be suspended. The informal hearing also encourages the student’s parents or guardian to meet with a school administrator to discuss ways by which future offenses can be avoided.
5. The student is not permitted on the NMTCC campus or at school-sponsored functions.
The following due process requirements are to be observed in regard to the informal hearing:
- Notification of the reasons for suspension shall be given in writing to the parents or guardian and to the student.
- Sufficient notice of the time and the place of the informal hearing shall be given.
- The student has the right to question any witnesses present at the hearing.
- The student has the right to speak and produce witnesses on his/her own behalf.
- The school must offer to hold the informal hearing within five (5) days of the suspension.
- Students shall be permitted to make up without penalty, any quiz, test, or exam missed while being disciplined within a time span equal in school days to the suspension period. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time with the instructor when work may be made up.
6. Based upon a reciprocal arrangement between NMTCC and the sending school districts, suspensions assigned at NMTCC are binding at the student’s high school and prevent him/her from attending any school-related event until the suspension is over. Likewise, NMTCC honors the suspensions given at the sending schools. These suspensions may be used in an expulsion hearing pursuant to the sending school’s code of conduct. All disciplinary actions are cooperative efforts between NMTCC and the sending districts.
Grades, Assessments, Retention Criteria, and Obligations
Many of our programs offer opportunities for students to receive industry certifications in addition to the certificate of completion they receive upon completing their program of study. For more information please speak to your teacher, counselor or visit
Grading System
The ability to grasp the necessary knowledge and skills to be competent in a technical career program is of extreme importance. However, the student’s conduct, attitude and self-discipline are also of great importance and may be reflected in the grade earned in the course.
A typical grade is determined by a student’s acquisition of skills, knowledge, and work ethics. Instructors will discuss the details of their grading system with their students. This is illustrated by a formula comprised of work ethic, knowledge, and skill.
All absences, as a portion of classroom participation, will affect the work ethic portion of the student’s marking period grade. Students attending NMTCC will be given numerical grades that correspond to the following scale:
• 100-90 A
• 89-80 B
• 79-70 C
• 69-60 D
•59 and below F (Failure)
However, Cosmetology students need to be aware that they will need a minimum grade of 75% to earn hours.
F-Final Grade– Students who fail their lab for the year will not be invited to return to NMTCC. (Please see Retention Criteria, page 10 for details).
I- incomplete will be given to any student who has failed to complete a minimum amount of work as determined by each instructor. All makeup work must be completed within 10 school-days after the last day of the marking period (the extended time frame does not apply to the last marking period). If not completed by the deadline, those tasks or assignments may receive a 0 and be averaged in with completed units to achieve a final grade.
NG- No Grade- will be issued when a student enters NMTCC but does not have sufficient time to complete the required minimum amount of work.
WP-Withdrew Passing -will be issued when a student leaves NMTCC with a passing grade, prior to the end of the marking period.
WF-Withdrew Failing- will be issued when a student leaves NMTCC with a failing grade, prior to the end of the marking period.
M-Medical Leave- Requires a doctor’s note and administrative approval. Missing work/tasks are not given a 0. Completed tasks may be carried over into the next marking period. Only one “M” will be assigned to a student during the school year. The final grade will be an average of the three report periods.
Interim Reports
Interim reports serve as progress reports and will be mailed to parents of students midway through each quarter or at other times, as deemed advisable. These forms will indicate teacher recognition of measurable improvement or warn of unsatisfactory performance. Parents of students who are in danger of failing will receive notification by mail and/or phone prior to the end of the marking period.
NOCTI is the largest provider of industry-based credentials and partner industry certifications for career and technical education (CTE) programs across the nation ( Each school year, seniors take NOCTI written and practical exams in order to receive their certificates of completion.
Students are issued textbooks and other supplies that belong to North Montco Technical Career Center for use during the school year. It is the responsibility of the student to return the property in the condition that it was issued. Students not complying may be charged the replacement cost or a damage assessment for the article. In addition, students are required to purchase tools/materials for specific programs.
Any outstanding debt may result in withholding of grades, and/or credit for the school year, and/or prosecution. All financial obligations must be satisfied before a student returns to NMTCC or graduates from the sending school.
Parent Portal
Parents and students have access to student grades, courses, attendance, and discipline through the Classmate Portal. Access to the portal can be granted through the tab listed on our webpage,
The portal is also available to students by entering https://cmportals.
Report Cards
Report Cards will be issued to NMTCC students quarterly. Grades from NMTCC may also appear on students' sending school report cards. Parents will have access to review grades, attendance, & discipline records for their child via the parent portal.
Retention Criteria
The NMTCC Joint Operating Committee and administration has devised retention criteria as a tool to help identify proper student placement conducive to student success and offer guidance on improving preparation for their future careers and to create positive student outcomes. determine who will continue their enrollment.
In order for students to continue their enrollment for the current school year at NMTCC and/or return to NMTCC for the next school year the following criteria must be met:
1. Students must receive an end-of-semester cumulative grade and a final grade of 60% or above in their program.
2. Students may not violate the NMTCC Attendance Policy.
3. Students may not have excessive or severe violations of the NMTCC Code of Student Conduct.
If students do not meet any one or more of the above criteria, they may be removed from NMTCC.
Skill/Task Evaluation
The student’s level of achievement for each skill/task listed on the program’s task grid is calculated into the student’s overall grade. Task evaluation is updated on a weekly basis as a student completes skills/tasks. Students, parents, and selected district staff members have access to the skill evaluation through the NMTCC student information system. They shall be provided an up-to-date skill evaluation upon request and at the end of the program. Perspective employers are encouraged to review a student’s task grid to supplement the student’s transcript. These skill/task grades are also used to determine the awarding of articulated credits at postsecondary institutions. This task grid is retained as part of the student’s permanent performance record. The following evaluation criteria will be used and recorded when assigning the level of skill achievement for the various program of study tasks:
9-10 | Advanced (Entry Level) | Student is proficient and has mastered skill/task. Student is considered highly-qualified for entry-level employment. |
7-8 | Competent/Proficient (Entry Level) | Student is minimally competent and able to perform skill/task independently, to industry standards, and without supervision. |
5-6 | Basic (Pre-Entry Level) | Student requires limited supervision to complete the skill/task. Some additional training and practice are required. |
1-4 | Below Basic (Pre-Entry Level) | Student requires close supervision to complete the skill/task. Full retraining and practice of the task/skill are required. |
Health and Human Services
Change of Address and/or Telephone Numbers
Students who have a change of address, phone number, or parents’ work and/or home phone number must notify the Student Services Secretary in the main office.
Health Services
A school nurse is available during regular school hours to treat students in case of illness and/or injury. All students are required to complete an emergency card to be signed by the parents and returned to the school nurse each year. These emergency cards are kept for each student to expedite the location of parents and to obtain urgently needed information for treatment for serious injuries and illnesses that may occur at school. The information requested on these cards is kept confidential, as are all health records.
Students who wish to see the school nurse must first obtain a pass from their instructor. However, in emergencies, the student may go directly to the First Aid Office, which is located off the hallway near the entrance to the guidance office. An accident report must be completed for every school-related injury, and the instructor and student must sign the report. The school nurse must administer all medication.
NMTCC does not carry insurance coverage for student accidents or injuries. School accident insurance is available to students through their sending school. It is recommended that all students attending NMTCC have insurance coverage in case of an accident or injury.
Medicines and Drugs
Any student required to take a medication or drug of any type during school hours or while on school premises must report that fact to the school nurse and should deliver the medication or drug to the school nurse. A complete check may be made to determine whether it is necessary for the medication to be taken during school hours. If students must take medication during the school day, the procedure is as follows:
In Pennsylvania, an authorized prescriber is a physician, nurse practitioner, certified midwife, podiatrist, physician’s assistant, or dentist. (PA2.) All medications must be stored in their original pharmacy container. No more than a thirty (30) school day supply for any one medication can be stored at school. (PA3). In accordance with standard medical practice, a medication order from a licensed prescriber should contain: Student’s name; name and signature of the licensed prescriber and phone number; the name of the medication, diagnosis; route and dosage of medication; frequency and time of medication administration; date of the order and discontinuation date; Specific directions for administration, Possible Side effects. Additional Information if necessary. (PA13) The CSN may want to obtain from a licensed prescriber the following additional information, if appropriate: Any specific side effects, contraindications, and adverse reactions to be observed; Any other medications (prescribed or over-the-counter) being taken by the student. (PA4.) All medication orders should be renewed at the beginning of each academic year. Standing Orders Standing orders are medical directives written by the school’s physician. These orders may authorize administration of specific over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Over-the-Counter Medications (OTC) medications, must be treated as prescribed medications requiring both an order from a licensed prescriber and consent from a parent/guardian such as: acetaminophen or antacids and/or emergency medications such as epinephrine (Epi-pen) to students according to a defined protocol. The locally approved medication administration/authorization form must be signed by the authorized prescriber and the parent /guardian. A stamp with the prescriber’s signature is acceptable; however, a printed name stamp is not acceptable. A written parent/guardian authorization must accompany each medication order. An order should be renewed annually even if the order is for a prn (as needed) medication. The authorization will be filed in the student’s school health record.
Military Release
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 sets forth provisions that allow military personnel access to secondary school students’ directories. These directories typically contain students’ names, addresses, and phone numbers. In order to comply with the federal mandate, North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) may provide military recruiters with students’ directory listings. If you do not want the school to disclose directory information from your child/children’s records, please provide written notification to us by the end of the second week of September, or complete the “opt-out” form which was mailed to each NMTCC family in the summer. You must notify NMTCC even if you completed a similar form for your sending school. Questions may be directed to
Publicity Refusal
North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) occasionally photographs, videotapes, or records students for the local news media or for internal purposes, such as newsletters, NMTCC website, NMTCC social media accounts, or school publications. If you DO NOT want photos, video footage, or interviews featuring your child used in NMTCC publications, social media pages, NMTCC website, or advertisements, please provide written notification to us by the end of the second week of September, or complete the Publicity Refusal Form which was mailed to each NMTCC family in the summer. You must notify NMTCC even if you completed a similar form for your sending school. Be advised that signing this form prevents intentional use of your child’s photo or videotape footage. In situations in which large groups of people are participating, it is impossible not to photograph or videotape certain students, and, therefore, we cannot prevent the use of photos or videotape footage that unintentionally includes your child. Questions may be directed to
Release of Educational Records
A student’s educational record at NMTCC may not be released to employers without a signed release from the parents of the student or from the eligible student. Information release forms are available in the Student Services Office. Release of educational records to any other person or agency may be done in accordance with the “Student Record Keeping Policy” on file in the Student Services office.
Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program is an intervention program designed to identify students who are having problems in school because of drug/alcohol use or mental health issues. The goal of this program is to intervene with these at-risk students, in an effort to promote achievement, academic success, and healthy lifestyle choices. If it is determined that a student is at risk, the team works to connect the student and his or her family with appropriate school-based or community resources.
The Student Assistance Team is comprised of district teachers, counselors, school nurse, and other staff members. Students can be referred to the team by teachers, administration, students, parents, and the student themselves. Referrals can be initiated for drug or alcohol violations, but more commonly they occur because of observed changes in a student’s behavior or performance. All Student Assistance Program matters are kept confidential within the team unless the law requires reporting them.
Working Papers
No child under 18 years of age may be employed without an employment certificate. Applications and information about obtaining working papers are available from the student’s sending school.
Policies/Acknowledgement Forms
Level 1: Behaviors/ actions that impede the normal operations of the classroom, school, or school activities
Level 2: The frequency or seriousness of the misconduct disrupts the learning climate of the classroom or school. May result from the continuation of Level 1 misbehaviors.
Level 1 Infractions |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
3rd Offense |
4th Offense |
-Classroom Tardiness -Failure to complete assignments/follow directions -School Tardiness -Hallway violations -Horseplay/Loitering -Electronic Devices violations (Refer to Board Policy #237) -ID Badge/Uniform violations -Dress code violations -Missing sending school bus -Inappropriate language/talk/comments among students -Abusive language/gestures
1. Written Warning 2. Work Ethic point(s) deduction
1. Written warning 2. Parent contact 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction
1. Detention 2. Parent contact 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction
1. 1-3 day OSS 2. Parent contact/conference 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction |
Level 2 Infractions |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
3rd Offense |
4th Offense |
-Multiple violations of Level 1 behaviors -Driving violations -Forgery of notes/excuses/documents -Disruptive/Inappropriate classroom behavior -Defiance-refusal to follow instructions -Plagiarism/cheating (See information in the Safety/Security Guidelines section) -Leaving class without permission -Cutting class -Safety violation, non-injury -Inappropriate use of internet/computer ( see school policy) -Verbal confrontation -Conduct unbecoming of a student -Truancy
1. Written warning 2. Parent contact 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction
1. Detention 2. Parent contact 3.Work ethic point(s)deduction
1. 1-3 day OSS 2. Parent contact/conference 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction |
1.3-10 OSS 2. Parent Conference – see protocol for 3-10 day OSS 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction
Levels 3 and 4: The misconduct is serious enough to warrant possible suspension and/or removal from NMTCC and referral to/intervention of legal authorities or action by the school board as appropriate and at the discretion of NMTCC Administration.
Level 3 Infractions |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
3th Offense |
-Multiple violations of Level 1 and 2 Behaviors ( chronic inappropriate -Leaving school grounds without Permission -Trespassing -Gross Insubordination/Disorderly conduct -Extortion -Safety violation with injury -Bullying/ harassment-verbal/physical -Stalking -Open Lewdness -Pornography/possession/ -Fighting - Simple assault on student/staff -Vaping/smoking/related devices costs) ( see school policy) -Damaging school property -Vandalism - Possession /use/under the influence any drug/ substance considered under Pennsylvania law to be a Schedule IV or V - Possession of cutting instrument with intent (box cutter, razor, etc.) - Possession of cutting instrument without intent -Possession of mace or other chemical irritant (s) without intent - Criminal mischief - intentionally, recklessly or by negligence damages the property of another
1. Detention 2. Parent contact or conference 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction 4. Restoration of property if applicable
1. 1-3 day OSS 2. Parent contact or conference 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction 4. Restoration of property if applicable 5. Possible referral to legal authorities as appropriate
1 .3-10 day OSS 2. Parent Conference – see protocol for 3-10 day OSS 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction 4. Restoration of property if applicable 5. Refer to legal authorities as appropriate 6.Refer to sending school for possible removal from NMTCC
Level 4 Infractions |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
- Theft/possession/sale of stolen property - Reckless endangerment ( false alarms, threats of any Nature) - Possession /use/under the influence any drug/ substance considered under Pennsylvania law to be a Schedule I, II, or III. This includes alcohol ( Refer to school drug policy and PA Schedule of Controlled Substances) - Possession of cutting instrument with intent (box cutter, razor, etc.) -Possession of mace or other chemical irritant (s) with intent ( refer to weapons policy)
- Possession of explosives - Possession of a gun ( any type) - Possession of a knife -Possession of other weapons - Threats ( bomb, terroristic) ( refer to weapons policy) -Sale/distribution of controlled substance/alcohol ( refer to drug policy) - Aggravated Assault against student or school staff - Sexual Assault of any type - Indecent exposure -Rape -Burglary -Arson - Criminal trespass -Rioting
1 .3-10 day OSS 2. Parent Conference – see protocol for 3-10 day OSS 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction 4. Restoration of property if applicable 5. Refer to legal authorities as appropriate 6. Refer to sending school for possible removal from NMTCC
1. 10-day OSS 2. Parent conference 3. Work ethic point(s) deduction 4. Restoration of property if applicable 5. Refer to legal authorities 6. Refer to sending school for possible removal from NMTCC |
**All infractions listed are examples that fall into four levels of misconduct. This list is not all-inclusive. Administrative staff reserves the right to review each individual category and situation and to use administrative discretion in determining the consequences for each discipline referral and/or incident.
Work Instruction for Submission of CIS (Continuous Improvement System) Forms by Non-Staff Members
This form can be used by students to list any concerns they may have in reference to the North Montco Technical Career Center delivery system.
A box for non-staff member CIS forms will be placed in the front of the Administrative Office (near Ms. Kriebel’s desk).
Directions for submission of non-staff member CIS forms are as follows:
1. Non-staff members may obtain additional blank copies of the non-staff member CIS form in the Administrative Office. There will be a packet of blank forms above the non-staff member CIS form box.
2. Upon completion of the CIS form, the non-staff member should place the form in the box.
3. The administrative assistant will empty the box once a week and enter all forms into the database so that the QMS Management Representative can take action.
4. The administrator will inform the student of the proposed action to be taken upon definition of the Recommended Action on the CIS form. A note will be made on the CIS form when the student is notified.
Student Name ______________________________________________________________
Program: ___________________________________________________________________
The North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) Student Handbook will answer many of the questions you may have about the rules at the Career Center.
We ask that all students, parents/guardians read the Student Handbook so everyone is familiar with the rules. The handbook is available online at or hard copies are available at the main office.
Parents, please log into your Parent Portal account to acknowledge and accept all NMTCC policies outlined in the 2023-2024 Student Handbook. If you do not have a Parent Portal Account, please visit and click on the Parent Portal link at the top of our website OR you and your child must sign the forms on page 35 of the student handbook and return it to their teacher. By either visiting the Parent Portal and checking the Student Handbook receipt box or signing the form, you and your child are verifying receipt of a handbook and acknowledging your understanding of our policies and procedures as outlined within the handbook.
Please give special attention to the Internet Policy and Harassment Policy. This will help you understand our Harassment policy and the responsibilities of all Internet users. You are also requested to review the attendance policy. Since curriculum delivery at North Montco Technical Career Center greatly involves teacher demonstrations and hands-on activities, your attendance is very important. Failure to attend school on a regular basis will have a great impact on your overall grade and may result in dismissal from the program. We hope this book will be helpful to you throughout the year.
I acknowledge receipt of and have read and fully understand the following North Montco Technical Career Center handbook (including Publicity Refusal, Military Release, Unlawful Harassment Policy, Attendance policy, and Internet Policy) for the school year 2023-2024.
Parent/Guardian sign here _______________________________________________________
Student sign here ______________________________________Date_____________________
Student Name (Please Print) ______________________________________________________
I understand that the Internet has opened up a vast resource for school entities throughout the world. I understand that students now have opportunities to access research databases that heretofore were unavailable to many schools. I understand that the Internet opens up the possibility of students having access to possibly defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material by “surfing through the Internet.” The North Montco Technical Career Center will use its best efforts in order to limit such access to only those areas of educational value. However, it is understood that no matter how much supervision and monitoring NMTCC can utilize, there will always be the possibility of my child coming into contact with possibly defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material. I understand that because of First Amendment concerns, it is difficult to implement any form of monitoring system to filter through these kinds of materials. Not withstanding this fact, I recognize the importance of our children becoming technologically aware in an increasingly technology society, and I consent to the use of the Internet.
Parent/Guardian sign here _____________________________________ Date _______________
Return this form to your child’s instructor.
The North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pest management. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school building and grounds to detect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring team consists of our building maintenance, office, and teaching staff and includes our students. Pest sightings are reported to the Facilities Operations Manager, who evaluates the “pest problem” and determines the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing pests, etc.
From time to time, it may be necessary to use pesticides registered by the Environmental Protection Agency to manage a pest problem. A pesticide will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When a pesticide is necessary, the school will try to use the least toxic product that is effective. Applications will be made only when unauthorized persons do not have access to the area(s) being treated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours prior to application and for two days following the application.
Parents or guardians of students enrolled at NMTCC may request prior notification of specific pesticide applications made at the school. To receive notification, you must be placed on the school’s notification registry. If you would like to be placed on this registry, please notify the school in writing – North Montco Technical Career Center, 1265 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446, attention to Facilities Operations Manager.
If a pesticide application must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided by telephone to any parent or guardian who has requested such notification in writing. Exemptions to the notifications include disinfectants and antimicrobial products, self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students, and gel-type baits placed in cracks, crevices, or voids.
In compliance with the notification and record-keeping requirements of EPA’s 40 CFR, Part 763.93 (g) (4) Asbestos – Containing Materials in Schools Law (more commonly known as AHERA-(Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act), North Montco Technical Career Center is notifying organizations and families of the availability of the Asbestos Management Plans. The master copy of all Management Plans is maintained in the Facilities Operations Manager’s Office.
The management plan includes: inspections and physical assessment reports, training requirements for the custodial and maintenance personnel, plans and procedures to minimize disturbance of any asbestos-containing materials, and a program for regular surveillance and inspection of asbestos-containing materials. Also, every three years, an asbestos re-inspection of the facility will be conducted to comply with the AHERA law.
North Montco Technical Career Center is complying with all regulations in regards to any ACBM (Asbestos Containing Building Material) and there is no need for safety or health concerns relative to asbestos exposure.
Safety and Security Policies and Guidelines
ADOPTED: August 19, 1996
REVISED: June 18, 2018
245. Acceptable Use of the Computers, Network, Internet, Electronic Communications and Information Systems
The North Montco Technical Career Center (“Career Center”) provides employees, students, and guests (“users”) with access to the Career Center’s electronic communication systems and network, which includes Internet access, whether wired or wireless, or by any other means.
Computers, network, Internet, electronic communications and information systems (collectively “CIS systems”) provide vast, diverse and unique resources. The Joint Operating Committee will provide access to the Career Center’s CIS systems for users in order to access information, research, and collaboration to facilitate learning and teaching to foster the educational purpose and mission of the Career Center.
For users, the Career Center’s CIS systems must be used primarily for education-related purposes and performance of Career Center job duties. Incidental personal use of school computers is permitted for employees so long as such use does not interfere with the employee’s job duties and performance, with system operations, or with other system users. Personal use must comply with this policy and all other applicable Career Center policies, procedures and rules contained in this policy, as well as Internet Service Provider (“ISP”) terms, local, state and federal laws and must not damage the Career Center’s CIS systems. Students may only use the CIS systems for educational purposes. At the same time, employees’ and students’ personal technology devices brought onto the Career Center’s property or suspected to contain Career Center information may be legally accessed to ensure compliance with this policy and other Career Center policies to protect the Career Center’s resources, and to comply with the law. Users may not use their personal computers to access the Career Center’s intranet, Internet or any other CIS system unless approved by the Technology Coordinator and/or designee.
The Career Center intends to strictly protect its CIS systems against numerous outside and internal risks and vulnerabilities. Users are important and critical players in protecting these career center assets and in lessening the risks that can destroy these important and critical assets. Consequently, users are required to fully comply with this policy, and to immediately report any violations or suspicious activities to the Technology Coordinator and/or designee. Conduct otherwise will result in actions further described in Consequences for Inappropriate, Unauthorized and Illegal Use, found in this policy, and provided in relevant Career Center policies.
1. Access to the Internet – A computer shall be considered to have access to the Internet if the computer is equipped with a modem or is connected to a network that has access to the Internet, whether by wire, wireless, cable, or any other means.[1]
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - The term BYOD shall be applied regarding institutionally provided devices brought over to the Career Center from sending districts for the purpose of educational use. While at the campus, students with sending school provisioned devices shall have the privilege to connect to the Career Center’s wireless network and internet.
2. Child Pornography – Under federal law, any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where:[4]
a. The production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
b. Such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
c. Such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
Under Pennsylvania law, any book, magazine, pamphlet, slide, photograph, film, videotape, computer depiction or other material depicting a child under the age of eighteen (18) years engaging in a prohibited sexual act or in the simulation of such act.
3. Computer – Includes any Career Center owned, leased or licensed or user-owned personal hardware, software, or other technology used on Career Center premises or at Career Center events, or connected to the Career Center network, containing Career center programs or Career Center or student data (including images, files, and other information) attached or connected to, installed in, or otherwise used in connection with a computer. Computer includes, but is not limited to, Career Center and users’: desktop, notebook, powerbook, tablet PC or laptop computers, printers, cables, modems, and other peripherals; specialized electronic equipment used for students’ special educational purposes; Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipment; Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs); cell phones, with or without Internet access and/or recording and/or camera/video and other capabilities, mobile phones, or wireless devices; two-way radios/telephones; beepers; paging devices; and any other such technology developed.[1]
4. Electronic Communications Systems – Any messaging, collaboration, publishing, broadcast, or distribution system that depends on electronic communications resources to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold, copy, download, display, view, read, or print electronic records for purposes of communication across electronic communications network systems between or among individuals or groups, that is either explicitly denoted as a system for electronic communications or is implicitly used for such purposes. Further, an electronic communications system means any wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo-optical or photoelectronic facilities for the transmission of wire or electronic communications, and any computer facilities or related electronic equipment for the electronic storage of such communications. Examples include, but are not limited to, the Internet, intranet, electronic mail services, Global Positioning Systems, Personal Digital Assistants, facsimile machines, cell phones with or without Internet access and/or electronic mail and/or recording devices, cameras/video, and other capabilities.
5. Educational Purpose - Includes use of the CIS systems for classroom activities, professional or career development, and to support the Career Center’s curriculum, policy and mission statement.
6. Harmful to Minors – Under federal law, any picture, image, graphic image file or other visual depictions that:
a. Taken as a whole, with respect to minors, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;
b. Depicts, describes, or represents in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual content, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals.
c. Taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value as to minors.
Under Pennsylvania law, any depiction or representation in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse, when it:
a. Predominantly appeals to the prurient, shameful, or morbid interest of minors.
b. Is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors.
c. Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value for minors.
7. Incidental Personal Use – Use of Career Center CIS systems by an individual employee for occasional personal communications. Personal use must comply with this policy and all other Career Center policies, procedures and rules, as well as ISP terms, local, state and federal laws and may not interfere with the employee’s job duties and performance, with system operations, or with other system users, and must not damage the Career Center’s CIS systems. Under no circumstances should the employee believe his/her use is private. The Career Center reserves the right to monitor, track, access, and log the use of its CIS systems at any time.
8. Minor – For purposes of compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”), an individual who has not yet attained the age of seventeen (17). For other purposes, minor shall mean the age of minority as defined in the relevant law.
9. Network – A system that links two (2) or more computer systems, including all components necessary to effect the operation, including, but not limited to: computers, copper and fiber cabling, wireless communications and links, equipment closets and enclosures, network electronics, telephone lines, printers and other peripherals, storage media, software, and other computers and/or networks to which the network may be connected, such as the Internet or those of other institutions.
10. Obscene – Under Federal law, analysis of the material meets the following elements:
a. Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the material, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest.
b. Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically designed by the applicable state or federal law to be obscene.
c. Whether the work taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational, or scientific value.
Under Pennsylvania law, analysis of the material meets the following elements:
a. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the material, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest.
b. The subject matter depicts or describes in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct described in the law to be obscene.
c. The subject matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value.
11. Sexual Act and Sexual Contact – As defined at 18 U.S.C. § 2246(2), and at 18 U.S.C. § 2246(3), 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5903.
12. Technology Protection Measure(s) – A specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors.
13. Visual Depictions – Undeveloped film and videotape and data stored on computer disk or by electronic means which is capable of conversion into a visual image but does not include mere words.
1. Access to the Career Center’s CIS systems through school resources is a privilege, not a right. These, as well as the user accounts and information, are the property of the Career Center, which reserves the right to deny access to prevent further unauthorized, inappropriate or illegal activity, and may revoke those privileges and/or administer appropriate disciplinary action. The Career Center will cooperate to the extent legally required with ISP, local, state and federal officials in any investigation concerning or related to the misuse of the CIS systems.
2. It is often necessary to access user accounts in order to perform routine maintenance and security tasks; system administrators have the right to access by interception, and the stored communication of user accounts, for any reason in order to uphold this policy and to maintain the system. Users have no privacy expectation in the contents of their personal files or any of their use of the Career Center’s CIS systems. The Career Center reserves the right to monitor, track, log and access CIS systems use and to monitor and allocate file server space.
3. The Career Center reserves the right to restrict access to any Internet sites or functions it may deem inappropriate through general policy, software blocking or online server blocking. Specifically, the Career Center operates and enforces technology protection measure(s) that block or filter online activities of minors on its computers used and accessible to adults and students so as to filter or block inappropriate matter on the Internet.
4. The Career Center has the right, but not the duty, to monitor, track, log, access and report all aspects of its computer information, technology and related systems of all users and of any user’s personal computers, network, Internet, electronic communication systems, and media brought onto Career Center premises or at Career Center events, connected to the Career Center network, containing Career Center programs or student data (including images, files, and other information), pursuant to the law, to ensure compliance with this policy and other Career Center policies, to protect the Career Center’s resources, and to comply with the law.
5. The Career Center reserves the right to restrict or limit usage of lower priority CIS systems and computer uses when network and computing requirements exceed available capacity according to the following priorities:
A. Highest – uses that directly support the education of the students.
B. Medium – uses that indirectly benefit the education of the student.
C. Lowest – uses that include reasonable and limited educationally-related interpersonal communications and incidental personnel communications.
D. Forbidden – all activities in violation of this policy.
6. The Career Center additionally reserves the right to:
a. Determine which CIS systems services will be provided through Career Center resources.
b. View and monitor network traffic, fileserver space, processor, and system utilization, and all applications provided through the network and communications systems, including e-mail.
c. Remove excess e-mail or files taking up an inordinate amount of fileserver disk space after a reasonable time.
d. Revoke user privileges, remove user accounts, or refer to legal authorities when violation of this and any other applicable Career Center policies occur or state or federal law is violated, including, but not limited to, those governing network use, copyright, security, privacy, employment, and destruction of Career Center resources and equipment.
1. Due to the nature of the Internet as a global network connecting thousands of computers around the world, inappropriate materials, including those which may be defamatory, discriminatory (as it pertains to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, political beliefs, receipt of financial aid, or disability), inaccurate, obscene, sexually explicit, lewd, vulgar, rude, harassing, violent, inflammatory, threatening, terroristic, hateful, bullying, profane, pornographic, offensive, and illegal, can be accessed through the network and electronic communications systems. Because of the nature of the technology that allows the Internet to operate, the Career Center cannot completely block access to these resources. Accessing these and similar types of resources may be considered an unacceptable use of school resources and will result in actions explained further in Consequences for Inappropriate, Unauthorized and Illegal Use, found in this policy and as provided in relevant Career Center policies.
2. Employees must be capable and able to use the Career Center’s CIS systems, and software relevant to the employee’s responsibilities. In addition, Users must practice proper etiquette, Career Center ethics, and agree to the requirements of this policy.
a. Etiquette Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:
b. Be polite. Do not become abrasive in messages to others. General Career Center rules and policies for behavior and communicating apply.
c. Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or other inappropriate language.
d. Do not reveal the personal addresses or telephone numbers of others.
e. Recognize that e-mail is not private or confidential.
f. Do not use the Internet or e-mail in any way that would interfere with or disrupt its use by other users.
g. Consider all communications and information accessible via the Internet to be the property of the school.
h. Users may not order personal materials or use personal credit cards while using school computers.
I. Respect the rights of other users to an open and hospitable technology environment, regardless of race, sexual orientation, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, age, marital status or handicap status.
Delegation of Responsibility
1. The Director and/or designee will serve as the coordinator to oversee the Career Center’s CIS systems and will work with other regional or state organizations as necessary, to educate employees, approve activities, provide leadership for proper training for all users in the use of the CIS systems and the requirements of this policy, establish a system to ensure adequate supervision of the CIS systems, maintain executed user agreements, and interpret and enforce this policy.
2. The Director and/or designee may establish a process for setting-up individual and class accounts, set quotas for disk usage on the system, establish a retention schedule, and establish the Career Center virus protection process.
3. Unless otherwise denied for cause, student access to the CIS systems resources shall be through supervision by the professional staff. Administrators, teachers and staff have the responsibility to work together to help students develop the skills and judgment required to make effective and appropriate use of the resources. All users have the responsibility to respect the rights of all other users within the Career Center and Career Center CIS systems, and to abide by the rules established by the Career Center, its ISP, local, state and federal laws.
1. Access to the CIS Systems
a. CIS systems user accounts will be used only by authorized owners of the accounts for authorized purposes.
b. An account will be made available according to a procedure developed by appropriate Career Center authorities.
c. CIS System. The Career Center’s Acceptable Use of the Computers, Network, Internet, Electronic Communications and Information Systems Policy, as well as other relevant Career Center policies, will govern use of the Career Center’s CIS systems for users. Users’ use of the CIS systems will also be governed by the other relevant Career Center policies.
d. Types of Services included, but not limited to:
(1) World Wide Web. Career center employees and students will have access to the web through the Career Center’s CIS systems as needed.
(2) E-Mail. Career center employees may be provided assigned individual e-mail accounts for work-related, and incidental personal use, as needed. Students may be assigned individual e-mail accounts, as necessary, by the Director and/or designee who will also supervise the students’ use of the e-mail service.
(3) Guest Accounts. Guests, which include but are not limited to, visitors, workshop attendees, volunteers, independent contractors, and adult education teachers and students, may receive an individual account with the approval of the Director and/or designee if there is a specific, Career Center-related purpose requiring such access. Use of the CIS systems by a guest must be specifically limited to the Career Center-related purpose. An agreement will be required and parental signature will be required if the guest is a minor.
e. Access to all data on, taken from, or compiled using Career Center computers is subject to inspection and discipline. Users have no right to expect that Career Center information placed on users’ personal computers, networks, Internet, and electronic communications systems is beyond the access of the Career Center. The Career Center reserves the right to legally access students’ and employees’ personal equipment for Career Center information.
2. Parental Notification and Responsibility
The Career Center will notify the parents about the Career Center CIS systems and the policies governing their use. This policy contains restrictions on accessing inappropriate material. There is a wide range of material available on the Internet, some of which may not be fitting with the particular values of the families of the students. It is not practically possible for the Career Center to monitor and enforce a wide range of social values in student use of the Internet. Further, the Career Center recognizes that parents bear primary responsibility for transmitting their particular set of family values to their children. The Career Center will encourage parents to specify to their child(ren) what material is and is not acceptable for their child(ren) to access through the Career Center’s CIS system. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s use of the Career Center’s CIS systems when they are accessing the systems.
3. Career Center Limitation of Liability
The Career Center makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the functions or the services provided by or through the Career center’s CIS systems will be error-free or without defect. The Career Center does not warrant the effectiveness of Internet filtering. The electronic information available to users does not imply endorsement of the content by the Career Center, nor is the Career Center responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the CIS systems. The Career Center shall not be responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, information that may be lost, damaged, delayed, misdelivered, or unavailable when using the computers, network and electronic communications systems. The Career Center shall not be responsible for material that is retrieved through the Internet, or the consequences that may result from them. The Career Center shall not be responsible for any unauthorized financial obligations, charges or fees resulting from access to the Career Center’s CIS systems. In no event shall the Career Center be liable to the user for any damages whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising out of the use of the CIS systems.
4. Prohibitions
The use of the Career Center’s CIS systems for illegal, inappropriate, unacceptable, or unethical purposes by users is prohibited. Such activities engaged in by users are strictly prohibited and illustrated below. The Career Center reserves the right to determine if any activity not appearing in the list below constitutes an acceptable or unacceptable use of the CIS systems.
These prohibitions are in effect any time Career Center resources are accessed whether on Career Center property, when using mobile commuting equipment, telecommunication facilities in unprotected areas or environments, directly from home, or indirectly through another ISP, and if relevant, when an employee or student uses their own equipment.
Students are prohibited from using their personal computers, as defined in this policy, on Career Center premises and property (including but not limited to, buses and other vehicles), at Career center events, or through connection to the Career Center CIS systems, unless expressed permission has been granted by a teacher or administrator, who will then assume the responsibility to supervise the student in its use. Students who are performing volunteer fire company, ambulance or rescue squad functions, or need such a computer due to their medical condition, or the medical condition of a member of their family, with notice and the approval of the school administrator may qualify for an exemption of this prohibition.
a. General Prohibitions
Users are prohibited from using Career Center CIS systems to:
(1) Communicate about nonwork or nonschool-related communications unless the employees’ use comports with this policy’s definition of incidental personal use.
(2) Send, receive, view, download, access or transmit material that is harmful to minors, indecent, obscene, pornographic, child pornographic, terroristic, or advocates the destruction of property.
(3) 3. Send, receive, view, download, access or transmit inappropriate matter and material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients including, but not limited to, that which may be defamatory, inaccurate, obscene, sexually explicit, lewd, hateful, harassing, discriminatory (as it pertains to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, political beliefs, receipt of financial aid, or disability), violent, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, profane, pornographic, offensive, terroristic and/or illegal.
(4) Cyber bullying another individual.
(5) Access or transmit gambling, pools for money, including but not limited to, basketball and football, or any other betting or games of chance.
(6) Participate in discussion or news groups that cover inappropriate and/or objectionable topics or materials, including those that conform to the definition of inappropriate matter in this policy.
(7) Send terroristic threats, hateful mail, harassing communications, discriminatory remarks, and offensive or inflammatory communications.
(8) Participate in unauthorized Internet Relay Chats, instant messaging communications and Internet voice communications (on-line; real-time conversations) that are not for school-related purposes or required for employees to perform their job duties.
(9) Facilitate any illegal activity.
(10) Communicate through e-mail for noneducational purposes or activities, unless it is for an incidental personal use as defined in this policy. The use of e-mail to mass mail noneducational or nonwork-related information is expressly prohibited (for example, the use of the “everyone” distribution list, building level distribution lists, or other e-mail distribution lists to offer personal items for sale is prohibited).
(11) Engage in commercial, for-profit, or any business purposes (except where such activities are otherwise permitted or authorized under applicable Career Center policies); conduct unauthorized fundraising or advertising on behalf of the Career Center and nonschool Career Center organizations; resell Career Center computer resources to individuals or organizations; or use the Career Center’s name in any unauthorized manner that would reflect negatively on the Career Center, its employees, or students. Commercial purposes is defined as offering or providing goods or services or purchasing goods or services for personal use. Career center acquisition policies will be followed for Career Center purchase of goods or supplies through the Career Center system.
(12) Political lobbying.
(13) Install, distribute, reproduce or use copyrighted software on Career Center computers, or copy Career Center software to unauthorized computer systems, intentionally infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others or violating a copyright. See Copyright Infringement in this policy and the Career Center’s copyright policy for additional information.
(14) Install computer hardware, peripheral devices, network hardware or system hardware. The authority to install hardware or devices on Career Center computers is restricted to the Director or designee.
(15) Encrypt messages using encryption software that is not authorized by the Career Center from any access point on Career Center equipment or Career Center property. Employees and students must use Career Center approved encryption to protect the confidentiality of sensitive or critical information in the Career Center’s approved manner.
(16) Access, interfere, possess, or distribute confidential or private information without permission of the Career Center’s administration. An example includes accessing other students’ accounts to obtain their grades.
(17) Violate the privacy or security of electronic information.
(18) Use the systems to send any Career Center information to another party, except in the ordinary course of business as necessary or appropriate for the advancement of the Career Center’s business or educational interest.
(19) Sending unsolicited commercial electronic mail messages, also known as spam.
(20) Posting personal or professional web pages without administrative approval.
(21) Post anonymous messages.
b. Access and Security Prohibitions
Users must immediately notify the Director and/or designee if they have identified a possible security problem. Users must read, understand, provide a signed acknowledgement form(s), and comply with this policy that includes network, Internet usage, electronic communications, telecommunications, nondisclosure and physical information security policies. The following activities related to access to the Career Center’s CIS systems and information are prohibited:
(1) Misrepresentation (including forgery) of the identity of a sender or source of communication.
(2) Acquiring or attempting to acquire passwords of another. Users will be held responsible for the result of any misuse of users’ names or passwords while the users’ systems access were left unattended and accessible to others, whether intentional or through negligence.
(3) Using or attempting to use computer accounts of others; these actions are illegal, even with consent, or if only for the purpose of “browsing”.
(4) Altering a communication originally received from another person or computer with the intent to deceive.
(5) Using Career Center resources to engage in any illegal act, which may threaten the health, safety or welfare of any person or persons, such as arranging for a drug sale or the purchase of alcohol, engaging in criminal activity, or being involved in a terroristic threat against any person or property.
(6) Disabling or circumventing any Career Center security, program or device, for example, but not limited to, anti-spyware, anti-spam software, and virus protection software or procedures.
(7) Transmitting electronic communications anonymously or under an alias unless authorized by the Career Center.
c. Operational Prohibitions
The following operational activities and behaviors are prohibited:
(1) Interference with or disruption of the CIS systems, network accounts, services or equipment of others, including, but not limited to, the propagation of computer “worms” and “viruses”, Trojan Horse and trapdoor program code, the sending of electronic chain mail, distasteful jokes, and the inappropriate sending of “broadcast” messages to large numbers of individuals or hosts. The user may not hack or crack the network or others’ computers, whether by parasiteware or spyware designed to steal information, or viruses and worms or other hardware or software designed to damage the CIS systems, or any component of the network, or strip or harvest information, or completely take over a person’s computer, or to “looking around”.
(2) Altering or attempting to alter files, system security software or the systems without authorization.
(3) Unauthorized scanning of the CIS systems for security vulnerabilities.
(4) Attempting to alter any Career Center computing or networking components (including, but not limited to fileservers, bridges, routers, or hubs) without authorization or beyond one’s level of authorization.
(5) Unauthorized wiring, including attempts to create unauthorized network connections, or any unauthorized extension or retransmission of any computer, electronic communications systems, or network services, whether wired, wireless, cable, or by other means.
(6) Connecting unauthorized hardware and devices to the CIS systems.
(7) Loading, downloading, or use of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other electronic media, including, but not limited to, downloading music files.
(8) Intentionally damaging or destroying the integrity of the Career Center’s electronic information.
(9) Intentionally destroying the Career Center’s computer hardware or software.
(10) Intentionally disrupting the use of the CIS systems.
(11) Damaging the Career Center’s CIS systems/networking equipment through the users’ negligence or deliberate act.
(12) Failing to comply with requests from appropriate teachers or Career Center administrators/designees to discontinue activities that threaten the operation or integrity of the CIS systems.
(13) Use that conceals or attempts to conceal a user’s identity, including the use of anonymizers, or the impersonation of another user, entity, organization, association, or agency.
(14) Unauthorized access, interference, possession, or distribution of confidential or private information.
(15) Using technology resources to send any School information to another party, except in the ordinary course of business as necessary or appropriate for the advancement of the Career Center’s business or educational interests.
(16) Use of technology resources to commit plagiarism.
(17) Installing, loading, or running software programs, applications, or utilities not explicitly authorized by the Career Center’s technology staff.
(18) Installing unauthorized computer hardware, peripheral devices, network hardware, or system hardware onto technology resources.
(19) Copying Career Center software without express authorization from a member of the Career Center’s technology staff.
(20) Use of technology resources for commercial purposes.
(21) Use of technology resources for political lobbying or campaigning, not including student elections (e.g. student government or student organizations, etc.)
(22) Use of Career Center technology resources to tether or otherwise connect to a non-district owned device to access an unfiltered and/or unmonitored internet connection.
(23) The use of proxies or other means to bypass internet content filters and monitoring.
(24) The use of technology resources to gamble.
(25) Unauthorized access into a restricted system or changing settings or access rights to a restricted system or account.
(26) The use of encryption software that has not been previously approved by the Career Center.
(27) Sending unsolicited mass-email messages, also known as spam.
(28) Scanning the Career Center’s technology resources for security vulnerabilities.
5. Content Guidelines
Information electronically published on the Career Center’s CIS systems shall be subject to the following guidelines:
a. Published documents including but not limited to audio and video clips or conferences, may not include a child’s phone number, street address, or box number, name (other than first name) or the names of other family members without parent consent.
b. Documents, web pages, electronic communications, or videoconferences may not include personally identifiable information that indicates the physical location of a student at a given time without parent consent.
c. Documents, web pages, electronic communications, or videoconferences may not contain objectionable materials or point directly or indirectly to objectionable materials.
d. Documents, web pages and electronic communications, must conform to all Career Center policies and guidelines, including the copyright policy.
e. Documents to be published on the Internet must be edited and approved according to Career Center procedures before publication.
6. Due Process
a. The Career Center will cooperate with the Career Center’s ISP rules, local, state, and federal officials to the extent legally required in investigations concerning or relating to any illegal activities conducted through the Career Center’s CIS systems.
b. If students or employees possess due process rights for discipline resulting from the violation of this policy, they will be provided such rights.
c. The Career Center may terminate the account privileges by providing notice to the user.
7. Search and Seizure
a. Users’ violations of this Policy, any other Career Center policy, or the law may be discovered by routine maintenance and monitoring of the Career Center system, or any method stated in this policy, or pursuant to any legal means.
b. The Career Center reserves the right to monitor, track, log and access any electronic communications, including but not limited to, internet access and e-mails at any time for any reason. Students and employees should not have the expectation of privacy in their use of the Career Center’s CIS systems, and other Career Center technology, even when used for personal reasons. Further, the Career Center reserves the right, but not the obligation, to legally access any personal technology device of students and employees brought onto the Career Center’s premises or at Career Center events, or connected to the Career Center network, containing Career Center programs or Career Center or student data (including images, files, and other information) to insure compliance with this policy and other Career Center policies, to protect the Career Center’s resources, and to comply with the law.
c. Everything that users place in their personal files should be written as if a third party will review it.
8. Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism
a. Federal laws, cases, and guidelines pertaining to copyright will govern the use of material accessed through the Career Center resources. Users will make a standard practice of requesting permission from the holder of the work and complying with license agreements. Employees will instruct students to respect copyrights, request permission when appropriate, and comply with license agreements and employees will respect and comply as well.
b. Violations of copyright law can be a felony and the law allows a court to hold individuals personally responsible for infringing the law. The Career Center does not permit illegal acts pertaining to the copyright law. Therefore, any user violating the copyright law does so at their own risk and assumes all liability.
c. Violations of copyright law include, but are not limited to, the making of unauthorized copies of any copyrighted material (such as commercial software, text, graphic images, audio and video recording), distributing copyrighted materials over computer networks, and deep-linking and framing into the content of others’ web sites. Further, the illegal installation of copyrighted software or files for use on the Career Center’s computers is expressly prohibited. This includes all forms of licensed software – shrink-wrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, and electronic software downloaded from the Internet.
d. Career Center guidelines on plagiarism will govern use of material accessed through the Career Center’s CIS systems. Users will not plagiarize works that they find. Teachers will instruct students in appropriate research and citation practices.
9. Selection of Material
a. Joint Operating Committee policies on the selection of materials will govern use of the Career Center’s CIS systems.
b. When using the Internet for class activities, teachers will select material that is appropriate in light of the age of the students and that is relevant to the course objectives. Teachers will preview the materials and web sites they require or recommend students access to determine the appropriateness of the material contained on or accessed through the web site. Teachers will provide guidelines and lists of resources to assist their students in channeling their research activities effectively and properly. Teachers will assist their students in developing the critical thinking skills necessary to ascertain the truthfulness of information, distinguish fact from opinion, and engage in discussions about controversial issues while demonstrating tolerance and respect for those who hold divergent views.
10. Career Center Web Site
The Career Center will establish and maintain a web site and will develop and modify its web pages that will present information about the Career Center under the direction of the Director and/or designee. Publishers must comply with the Career Center’s web site development policy.
11. Safety & Privacy
North Montco Technical Career Center reserves the right to monitor any user’s utilization of School technology resources. Users have no expectation of privacy while using School technology resources, whether on or off School property. The Career Center may monitor, inspect, copy, and review any and all usage of School technology resources including information transmitted and received via the Internet to ensure compliance with this and other School policies, and state and federal law. All email and messages, as well as any files stored on School technology resources may be inspected at any time or any reason. North Montco may decrypt and inspect encrypted internet traffic and communications to ensure compliance with this policy.
a. To the extent legally required, users of the Career Center’s CIS systems will be protected from harassment or commercially unsolicited electronic communication. Any user who receives threatening or unwelcome communications must immediately take them to the Director and/or designee.
b. Users will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people on the CIS systems. The user may not steal another’s identity in any way, may not use spyware, parasiteware, cookies, or use Career Center or personnel employee technology or resources in any way to invade one’s privacy. Additionally, the user may not disclose, use or disseminate confidential and personal information about students or employees (examples include, but are not limited to, using a cell phone with camera/video and Internet access to take pictures of anything, including but not limited to, persons, places, and documents relevant to the Career Center, saving, storing and sending the image with or without text or disclosing them by any means, including but not limited to, print and electronic matter; revealing student grades, social security numbers, home addresses, telephone numbers, school addresses, work addresses, credit card numbers, health and financial information, evaluations, psychological reports, educational records, reports, and resumes or other information relevant to seeking employment at the Career Center unless legitimately authorized to do so).
c. Student users will agree not to meet with someone they have met online unless they have parent consent.
12. Internet Filtering and CIPA Compliance
a. The Career Center utilizes content and message filters to prevent users from accessing material through school technology resources that has been determined to be obscene, offensive, pornographic, harmful to minors, or otherwise inconsistent with the Career Center’s educational mission.
b. The Administrative Director or his/her designee shall establish a procedure for users to request that a legitimate website or educational resource not be blocked by the Career Center’s filters for a bona fide educational purpose. Such requests must be either granted or rejected within five (5) school days pursuant to the established procedure.
b. The Joint Operating Committee directs that the Administrative Director or his/her designee ensure that all students are educated about appropriate online behavior including interacting via social networks and in chat rooms, cyber-bullying, and disclosure of personal information.
12. Consequences for Inappropriate, Unauthorized and Illegal Use
a. General rules for behavior, ethics, and communications apply when using the CIS systems and information, in addition to the stipulations of this policy. Students and employees must be aware that violations of this policy or other policies, or for unlawful use of the CIS systems may result in loss of CIS access and a variety of other disciplinary actions, including but not limited to, warnings, usage restrictions, loss of privileges, position reassignment, oral or written reprimands, suspensions (with or without pay for employees), dismissal, expulsions, and/or legal proceedings on a case-by-case basis. This policy incorporates all other relevant Career Center policies, such as, but not limited to, the student and professional employee discipline policies, copyright policy, property policy, curriculum policies, terroristic threat policy, and harassment policies.
b. The user is responsible for damages to the network, equipment, electronic communications systems, and software resulting from deliberate and willful acts. The user will also be responsible for incidental or unintended damage resulting from willful or deliberate violations of this policy.
c. Violations as described in this policy may be reported to the Career Center, appropriate legal authorities, whether the ISP, local, state, or federal law enforcement. The Career Center will cooperate to the extent legally required with authorities in all such investigations.
d. Vandalism will result in cancellation of access to the Career Center’s CIS systems and resources and is subject to discipline.
Acceptable Use of computer and internet policy
North Montco Technical Career Center has a Board approved Internet Policy for student and staff use. All students and staff may use the Internet for school-related purposes only.
A copy of NMTCC’s Internet Policy is above. Your signature on the Handbook Acknowledgement form indicates you have been made aware of the policy and agree to abide by it.
Misuse of the school’s resources may include physical abuse and damage, use of scanning devices that capture data, introduction of non-approved programs, including viruses, misuse of software or any other damaging action to either hardware or software. Copying school programs or data from any storage media or devices may be considered theft of school property.
Assault or threat on school Employees or students
Any acts of violence directed toward a teacher, administrator, student or staff member of the school by a student may result in immediate suspension from school. All threats and acts of violence may be referred to the police for further action.
Authority of Teachers and
According to Section 1317 of the Public School Code:
“Every teacher, vice- principal, and principal in the public school shall have the right to exercise the same authority as to conduct and behavior over the pupils attending his/her school during the time they are in attendance, including the time required in going to and from their homes, as the parents, guardians, or persons in parental relation to such pupils may exercise over them.”
Behavioral Guidelines
NMTCC, and all sending school districts, are bound by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Regulations and Guidelines on Student Rights and Responsibilities, Pennsylvania Code, Title 22, Education, Chapter 12. In order to protect these responsibilities and rights, a set of behavior guidelines has been developed.
The following are examples of behaviors considered inappropriate and may result in disciplinary action:
1. Open defiance of authority, willful refusal to do as requested, or other disrespectful behavior toward school personnel.
2. Pushing, shoving, throwing, fighting or general horseplay.
3. Using abusive, obscene, or disrespectful language.
4. Threatening, intimidating, harassing, hazing, or other forms of verbal or physical assault directed toward other students or school personnel.
5. Possessing or threatening to use any object that could be viewed as a weapon.
6. Willfully defacing or damaging school property or the personal property of any school employee, student or visitor on school grounds.
7. Theft or possession of stolen property.
8. Forging names (e.g. parents/ teachers) on school related documents.
9. Opening or entering another student’s locker without his/her permission.
10. Violating safety rules of individual labs.
11. Manifesting behavior that is disruptive and interferes with the education of other students.
12. Wearing clothing that poses a health or safety hazard or is deemed inappropriate by NMTCC staff.
13. Smoking /Vaping on school property or while at a school-sponsored activity.
14. Possessing, using, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on school property or at a school-sponsored activity.
15. Using cell phones in the classroom or any other prohibited area without permission of the teacher
16. Running or loitering in hallways or on school grounds.
17. Leaving school grounds during school hours without written permission from NMTCC staff and/or student’s high school and or parent/guardian
18. Leaving an assigned area without permission or a completed hall pass.
19. Entering the building through any door except the front entrance or student bus entrance during arrival or dismissal.
20. Being repeatedly tardy or having unexcused absences from school.
21. Displaying, posting, or distributing any written material on school property without prior administrative approval.
22. Driving or riding in a student driven vehicle to or from NMTCC without NMTCC Administrative authorization.
23. Transporting items that are considered a weapon to or from North Montco Technical Career Center as defined in the NMTCC weapons policy. **
**Act 167 states that the possession of a weapon on school property or on a school bus has been classified as a misdemeanor of the first degree. Similarly, assault on a fellow student or staff member is a felony. Students and parents should be aware of several conditions in the law:
• A misdemeanor of the first degree is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment up to 5 years.
• A weapon is broadly defined as an instrument that can do bodily harm.
• Any attempt to cause bodily injury to any school employee or a fellow student which is classified as an aggravated assault is a felony.
Book bags and backpacks
Bookbags and backpacks have become very popular and convenient for students to transport items to and from school.
However, they pose a safety concern. Therefore, school personnel may request that they be placed in a locker or designated area of the classroom. Any bookbag or backpack may be searched by NMTCC Administration and/or Security at any time.
Cell Phones
All cell phones, PDAs, smart phones, iPads, speakers and other electronic devices are not to be used at any time, unless specifically permitted by North Montco Staff. Phone calls must be completed in main office using school phone. In the event that a student does use such electronic devices during any instructional time or time other than that described or approved as above will face disciplinary action.
According to Board Policy #237 Electronic Devices, "electronic devices shall include all devices that can take photographs; record, play or edit audio or video data; store, transmit or receive calls, messages, text, data or images; operate online applications ; or provide a wireless, unfiltered connection to the internet." Additionally, Board Policy #237.1 Audio and/or Video Recording states, "recording of classroom instruction shall be prohibited" unless approved by Administration. In the event that the school believes that the use of the electronic device is being used for an improper or illegal purpose contrary to other provisions of the Student Discipline Code and if there is reasonable suspicion to support that belief, the electronic device will be confiscated and subject to review by the Administration or the local authorities, as the case may be.
Under limited circumstances, the Administration within its sole and exclusive discretion can allow a student to use not only a beeper but also a cell phone or smartphone in the event that the Administration preapproves in writing the use of such electronic device in the event of a student whose immediate family member has a medical condition that requires the student to have such contact.
Conflict is an inevitable part of life for everyone, including members of a school community. As in all organizations, members of a school community experience rumors, miscommunications, fights, arguments, harassment, and other conflicts. One way to address conflicts in schools constructively is through conflict resolution education. We at NMTCC are taking a proactive approach to this concern, by establishing a team specially trained to assist others in conflict, known as a mediation program. When a situation arises, you will be able to express your concerns about the situation within the realm of the school.
If confronted with physical conflict, you should attempt to escape and seek out an adult in the building. If students choose to fight, they will have to accept the disciplinary consequences.
Damage and Destruction of School Property and Endangering Acts
A student caught vandalizing school property may be suspended for a one (1) to ten (10) day period, regardless of the cost of the repair or replacement. A student caught vandalizing must make restitution for damages caused. All acts of vandalism may be reported to the local police for criminal action.
Any incident involving firecrackers, smoke bombs, fires set in trash cans, or any other type of incendiary device which might contribute to panic, catastrophe, or endangering the physical well-being of individuals or the school plant may be reported to the police, as well as the local fire department, since this act can be interpreted as a felony according to the State Penal Code.
Dress Code
All students are expected to be dressed appropriately according to program and/or teacher regulations. Due to safety considerations, students are prohibited from wearing clothes that are inappropriate for the program. For the health, safety and welfare of everyone, students are not permitted to wear unusually long chains around the waist, between pockets, or around the neck. Students are not permitted to wear sharp, long studded collars or jewelry. Any apparel that has the potential to cause a disruption to the educational process is forbidden. Clothing with drug/alcohol/sex-related wordings or designs, obscenities, profanities, offensive or suggestive language on any clothing will not be tolerated. This determination will be made at the discretion of the NMTCC Administration. Hoods are not permitted to be worn in the cafeteria. The wearing of hats and hoods in the classroom is at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
Drugs and Alcohol
Students at NMTCC are prohibited from knowingly possessing, using, distributing, manufacturing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance and/or alcoholic beverage while on school property during the school day as well as at any school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on any vehicle used to transport students. Also prohibited is the distribution or possession of any drug paraphernalia and/or drug look-alike, or juuling
Examples of the above include but are not limited to beer, wine, liquor, marijuana, hashish, chemical solvents, glue, look-alike substances, and any capsules or pills not registered with the school nurse, annotated within the student’s health record and/or taken in accordance with the School District policy for the administration of medication to students in school.
NMTCC recognizes its responsibility to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all students as well as to maintain and improve the rapport existent among students and staff. NMTCC will work to educate, prevent and intervene in the abuse of drugs and alcohol by students enrolled at the school.
The school and its employees shall be committed to the enforcement of all existing laws, regulations and guidelines adopted by federal, state, local and school district authorities. A student who, while under the school’s jurisdiction, is found to possess, use or abuse alcohol or other drugs, narcotics, or other health endangering compounds may be referred to local police for criminal prosecution.
NMTCC together with the 1,000 feet surrounding NMTCC property make up a statutorily created DRUG FREE SCHOOL ZONE. Any person over 17 years of age who delivers or possesses a controlled substance or counterfeit controlled substance with the intent to deliver it within the zone faces a mandatory minimum period of imprisonment. Those not facing the mandatory minimum sentence still face a fine up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to fifteen (15) years.
Any student who violates the Drug and Alcohol policy will face disciplinary action and may be removed from NMTCC.
Expressions of Affection
Expressions of affection, which are more obvious than hand holding, are not appropriate in school. Lingering expressions of affection are not appropriate. Good judgment, common sense, and the mutual respect of students and teachers may serve to carry out this policy. Students who conduct themselves inappropriately may be issued detention by teacher/administrator witnessing the behavior.
Fire Drills and False Alarms
Fire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. Students are expected to cooperate and follow directions. Whenever a fire signal is sounded, all persons must immediately exit the building in an orderly fashion under the direct supervision of their instructor. The teacher is responsible to see that the windows are closed, lights are on and doors are closed after the last person exits the room. Students not with their class should leave the building by the nearest exit and report to the nearest instructor for roll call. No one is permitted to reenter the building until the “all-clear” signal is given. Emergency evacuation routes are posted in each program, classroom, and hallways of the building.
Penal Code, Section 665a, on False Alarms states: “Whoever knowingly gives, turns in or raises, or causes to be raised or turned in a false alarm of fire, ringing of fire bells, or gives any other common or recognized alarm of fire, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $200 or not exceeding $1,000 or to undergo imprisonment not exceeding two years or both.”
CRISIS DRILLS - Drills are held periodically in order to train the students in crisis safety. NMTCC has crisis plans in place to deal with an unexpected crisis that may develop while at NMTCC. These plans are modified as needed. Students are expected to cooperate during the practice of these drills.
Fireworks or Explosive Devices
Fireworks or explosive devices are illegal and dangerous. Any student who is in possession of and who brings onto buses or into school, or who sets off fireworks or explosive devices, chemical agents (such as but not limited to tear gas, pepper spray) etc. may be subject to local, state and federal criminal charges. Law enforcement agencies may be utilized to apprehend the student responsible for risking a bomb scare
Food and Drink Policy
During the lunch period, all food and/or drinks are to be consumed in the multipurpose room. Healthy snacks sold by NMTCC may be consumed in the classroom only with the specific permission of the teacher.
Parents are asked to assist in reminding their students that no food deliveries from outside restaurants are allowed or accepted by the office staff and no delivery person will be permitted to enter the building.
Hall Passes
In order to be successful in school, students must be in their labs/classes. Hall passes will be issued for a student to leave the classroom or program area. The student is expected to have an authorized pass signed by his/her teacher with the current date, time leaving class and the destination. In addition, students must sign out on the program log sheet.
North Montco Technical Career Center prohibits harassment of a sexual, cultural, or ethnic nature made by any member of the school staff to a student or staff member and/or when made by any student to another student or staff member.
A student should report a harassment/bullying complaint to his/her teacher, administrator, guidance counselor or other adult in the building. All complaints will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
Your signature on the Handbook Acknowledgement form indicates you have been made aware of the policy and agree to abide by it.
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Safe Schools Act 44, students may submit an anonymous report through the Safe2Say Something app, website, or by calling the hotline at 1-844-Saf2Say (723-2729). Safe2Say Something allows a person to submit secure and anonymous safety concerns to help identify and intervene with at-risk individuals BEFORE they hurt themselves or others. This may be used to report observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment.
Threat Assessment
Pennsylvania statute requires that all schools establish a threat assessment team. North Montco Technical Career Center's threat assessment team uses a prevention process to identify and assess threats of violence before the act occurs. The threat assessment team helps to prevent future school threats from occurring through awareness education, following reporting procedures, and using the threat assessment team to helps students who may have the intent and capacity to commit an act of violence. The school community's awareness and participation in the threat assessment process will help to ensure the safety of the people and buildings.
I.D. Badges
Identification (I.D.) badge are to be in your possession in the building. Students must possess NMTCC ID badges at all time.Students may be subject to random badge checks. The badges are neccessary to purchase lunch, attend activities, etc. A replacement fee will be charged for a lost, stolen or defaced badge.
Replacement badge $5.00
Any language that can be deemed offensive by others is unacceptable at NMTCC and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Laser Pointers
Laser pointers present a significant health hazard (eye injury) to students and staff. As a result, students are not permitted to have laser pointers in school for any reason. The laser pointer will be immediately confiscated and will be returned in person to a parent or guardian only.
Leaving School Grounds
Students are not permitted to leave school grounds by methods other than their assigned school bus or personal vehicle registered with NMTCC’s parking permit sticker unless the student has parental permission, confirmed by NMTCC staff. Students found in violation of this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action.
Locks and lockers are provided to students based on laboratory needs. Students should not bring valuables or large sums of money to school to be kept in their lockers. To guard against the loss of materials students should not share or trade lockers, give their combination to any other students, or exchange locks. If a lock/locker is damaged and/or personal property is missing, the student must notify NMTCC Security immediately. NMTCC will not accept responsibility for lost or missing items. Student property that is stolen but left outside the provided locker or left in an unlocked locker, will not be investigated by security or administration. Students must lock up all valuables.
Lost and/or damaged locks and damaged lockers are the responsibility of the assigned student. The cost of lock replacement is $5.00. Only locks issued by NMTCC are permitted for use in the facility.
Lockers are the property of NMTCC and are subject to inspection by the school
administration at any time
Students should expect no rights to privacy in regard to their lockers.
Lost and Found
Lost articles that are found should be turned in at the NMTCC Security office. Lost articles should be reported to the student’s instructor and to the school security officer. Articles not claimed within one month will be given to charity.
Plagiarism and Cheating
All students are expected to do their own work when assigned individual papers, projects and when taking tests. The definition of plagiarize is “to use and pass off (someone else’s ideas, inventions, writings, etc.) as one’s own.” This includes submitting work created by artificial intelligence (AI). If you are not sure whether something you are doing is plagiarism, check with your teacher before you submit your work. Cheating is any type of fraud such as copying another student’s answers on a test or turning in another’s project as your own.
First Offense: The student will receive a “0” on the assignment; parental contact, and a Detention. (See Matrix)
Second Offense: The student will receive a “0” on the assignment and a grade of “F” in the course for the quarter; parental contact. (See Matrix)
Third Offense: The student will fail the course for the year; parental contact. (See Matrix)
All lockers and other storage areas provided for student use on school premises remain the property of the school and are provided for the use of students. The administration may search any locker, in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of all school students, with or without the student being present.
A member of the administrative staff may search the person of a student during a school activity. Searches of the person of a student shall be limited to the following:
• Searches of the pockets, shoes, and socks of the student.
• Searches of any object in the possession of the student
such as a purse, knapsack, bookbag, etc.
Students shall not expect privacy regarding items placed in school lockers as school property is subject to search at any time by school officials. School officials, without
regard to any individualized suspicion, may conduct random periodic or sweeping searches.
Building and grounds are monitored by video camera surveillance 24 hours a day. During school days, a full-time security staff is on site monitoring the building and grounds along with a school police officer.
ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AT NMTCC SHOULD ALWAYS BE CLOSED AND SECURED, unless there is a teacher, staff member or security officer present and monitoring that door/entrance area.
NO Student will be permitted to open, prop open, or place a wedge in any exterior door or hold open and exterior door for another student or wait by any exterior door and allow another student into the school building without direct permission from an instructor, teacher, other authorized NMTCC school administrator or security personnel.
NO STUDENT is authorized to possess, or use any type of electronic device, skimmer, scanner or cloning device that takes data or information from any official NMTCC school ID, Staff ID, or similar identification. (Example Filpper Zero) NO STUDENT is authorized to take any form of identification to use for gaining access, entry to NMTCC exterior doors, interior doors or other locations in or on the school campus without proper/legal permission.
Sports Equipment
All sports equipment, i.e.: lacrosse sticks, skateboards, baseball bats and balls, and footballs, should be brought to the main office. They will remain there until the student’s dismissal.
Student Driving
Driving a vehicle to or from NMTCC is a privilege offered to qualifying students by the Administration. The administration reserves the right to deny or revoke the student driving privilege at any time during the school year. Having driving privilege revoked means not being allowed to drive or park on school grounds under any circumstances. Disciplinary Action may include, but is not limited to, detention, suspensions, revocation of driving privileges, towing, immobilization, fines, or any combination thereof.
Student Parking Passes
Parking passes will be issued to approved students and completed applications must be received by October 1 of the current school year. Any student reported, seen, or video recorded speeding, doing “burn-outs” or any other type of driving considered reckless shall have their parking privileges revoked immediately.
Criteria for Acquiring a Parking Pass
1. Student must complete a parking permit form with ALL appropriate signatures.
2. A $75.00 non-refundable fee is required for a permanent parking pass for both full time and part time students.
3. Students must not have been absent for more than five days each marking period. Attendance records and grades may be reviewed for the last nine weeks of the previous school year prior to granting driving privileges.
4. A written confirmation from an employer and/or parent confirming the employment status of the student and specifying his/her hours of employment.
5. All students, if meeting the previously outlined requirements, will be eligible for a parking pass and priority will be given to PYA2P students, and on a first come, first serve basis if spaces are available.
Parking Pass Regulations
1. The parking pass gives permission to the driver to drive to and from NMTCC and park on NMTCC property.
2. Student parking is restricted to the specific designated parking lots.
3. Students must park in their assigned lot.
4. Students may not go to their cars during the school session.
5. Students must report immediately to their classrooms. Loitering or socializing in the parking lot is prohibited.
6. All student drivers will operate their vehicles safely and in accordance with established driving rules and regulations.
7. When granted a parking pass, he/she must understand that given “reasonable cause for suspicion,” the vehicle may be searched while on school property for dangerous or illegal items that could pose a threat to the well-being of NMTCC students or staff.
Temporary Parking Passes
1. ALL requests for a student temporary parking pass MUST HAVE PRIOR WRITTEN approval from:
a. The students’ parent
b. A Sending School Administrator
c. NMTCC Administration
2. All requests for a student temporary parking pass may be honored only for the following reasons.
a. Prior scheduled health-related appointments
b. School-approved events
c. Prior scheduled after-school job interviews
d. Prior scheduled and approved student vehicle repairs by NMTCC Automotive Programs
3. All requests for a student temporary parking pass must be made at least one (1) day in advance.
4. The student requesting the pass must meet the criteria for a permanent pass.
5. A student requesting a temporary pass to have work performed, must adhere to all above requirements as well as obtain:
a. Prior written approval from the student’s instructor
b. Prior written approval from the instructor performing the repair work
6. Temporary passes may be issued only upon completion of ALL the above requirements and for ONE DAY only. It MUST be discarded after use and is NOT transferable.
Any vehicle parked on NMTCC property without a valid parking permit may be subject to removal by an approved towing service or immobilization by NMTCC security officers, as well as any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate by NMTCC administration. The student will pay any and all towing fees directly to the towing service. The student will pay an immobilization fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) to NMTCC security. Second offense up to one hundred dollars ($100.00). Third offense up to one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
Telephone Use
The school telephone located in the main office is for students who need to call home. Incoming calls for students may be accepted only if there is an emergency and the caller states his/her name and the nature of the call.
Tobacco/Nicotine/Vaping Product Use
In accordance with Pennsylvania Criminal Code Act 145 of 1996, students are prohibited from possessing and/or using tobacco or nicotine at any time in a school building, on a school bus, or on school property owned or leased by, or under the control of the school or at school-sponsored events. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes/vaporizers/ juuling as well as any look-alike type device, such as those which look like a flash drive.
For purposes of this policy, tobacco shall be defined as a lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe; other lighted smoking product; and smokeless tobacco or nicotine in any form or vaporizer. Any visible tobacco/nicotine products or vaporizers, will be confiscated by the instructor and forwarded to an administrator and not to be returned.
NMTCC shall initiate prosecution of any student who violates the tobacco use policy. A student convicted of possessing or using tobacco/nicotine/vaping product in a school building, on a school bus, while participating in any activity sponsored by the school or on any school-owned property shall be fined up to $300.00 plus court costs or admitted to alternative adjudication.
Summary of Tobacco Use Policy:
• It’s the law in Pennsylvania
• It results in a summary citation
• Up to $300 fine plus court costs
• It applies to all school, social, and co-curricular events
• It covers possession of any tobacco or nicotine product
• Lighted or unlighted/in use and/or in possession of
• Any visible tobacco or nicotine products, may be confiscated
• Any student who violates this policy will also be subject to disciplinary action as defined in the school’s disciplinary code.
Use of Approved Field Testing Products
Administration holds the right to utilize a Portable Breath Test ( PBT) or other field testing products if there is reasonable suspicion that a student appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A positive reading will result in the immediate issue of a non-traffic citation by the NMTCC school police officer and/or referral to the local police for further investigation.
Visitors are not permitted in any part of the school without prior permission from the Security Desk or main office staff. Please note that all visitors will be required to present a current driver’s license and/or picture ID that will be scanned through our Raptor system which helps to insure the protection of our students. If a visitor cannot or will not provide approved identification upon request, they may be required to leave the NMTCC building and school property immediately. The visitor will be issued a visitor’s pass that must be visible and the visitor will be escorted while on NMTCC property. When departing, visitors must sign out and return the visitor’s pass to the Security Desk or main office. Children of students attending NMTCC are not permitted in the school during regular school hours. Students are not permitted to bring visitors from other schools during the regular school day without previous approval from an administrator.
Infants, toddlers, or children of visitors are not permitted into classrooms or lab areas at any time.
Children of students enrolled at NMTCC are not permitted in the school building during regular school hours.
Visitor Parking
Visitors should park in the designated parking spaces located in the front of the school.
Weapons Policy
Section 1317.2 of the Pennsylvania School Code states that:
“A school district or area vocational-technical school shall expel, for a period of not less than one year, any student who is determined to have brought a weapon onto any school property, any school-sponsored activity, or any public conveyance providing transportation to the school or to a school-sponsored activity.”
Weapons and replicas of weapons are forbidden on school property.
Weapons shall include, but not be limited to, firearms, mechanical devices, knives, metal knuckles, trade related tools, explosives, noxious, irritating or poisonous gases and liquid chemicals, poisons, drugs or other items fashioned with the intent to use, offensively or defensively, sell, harm or threaten or harass students, staff members, parents and patrons.
Dangerous weapon means any weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, animate or inanimate, which, under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used, offensively or defensively, is readily capable of causing death or physical injury.
For purposes of this policy, trade-related tools used specifically for instructional
purposes will not be identified as weapons, provided they are used for the intended trade-related purpose as determined by certified personnel.
Any loaded or unloaded firearm or dangerous weapon possessed by a person on
school property, other than an authorized officer of the law, shall be subject to seizure or forfeiture.
Incidents of students possessing weapons will be reported to the student’s parents and will be reported to the police.
Weapons under the control of law enforcement personnel are permitted. The Administrative Director may authorize other persons to possess weapons in the building. The
Administrative Director may prescribe special conditions or procedures to be followed before giving such authorizations.
Transportation of trade-related tools, both to and from NMTCC, is the responsibility of the secondary students’ parents or guardians. Under no conditions are secondary students to transport trade-related tools on a school bus, which may be construed as a weapon, as established by the definition in this policy.
A student who has violated the Weapons Policy shall not be retained nor re-admitted until at least the beginning of the school year following the expiration of one calendar-year exclusion from the program.
Such expulsion shall be given in conformance with formal due process proceedings required by law. The Administrative Director may recommend modifications to such expulsion requirements on a case-by-case basis.
Student Activities
Activity Fee and Student Activities
All students are required to pay an activity fee of thirty-five dollars yearly ($35). Please send this activity fee to NMTCC during the first week of school. Payment must be made on a separate check payable to “North Montco Technical Career Center.” This payment can also be made online at This fee encompasses dues for student organizations such as SkillsUSA and HOSA and will also be used for school activities such as anti-bullying, texting, drug & alcohol presentations, and other relevant topics.
Career & Technical Student Organizations
Through Career & Technical Student Organizations, students are eligible for competitions and recognition at local, state, national, and international levels. These organizations include National Technical Honor Society, HOSA, SkillsUSA, or other organizations specifically related to their technical areas. These organizations sponsor various activities. They allow the student the opportunity to develop social and professional skills that will be of value to them in their future careers. There will be a fee to join these organizations.
NTHS- National Technical Honor Society
“NTHS is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. Thousands of schools and colleges are affiliated with the Society. Member schools agree that NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today’s highly competitive workplace.” (
Please note that NTHS members are required to pay additional dues. Students have the option to participate in fundraisers through NMTCC to cover the expense or pay out right
“SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.” (
HOSA is designed to serve students enrolled in health occupations courses. Activities are directed to the instructional program. Emphasis is placed on individual and group leadership skills and development rather than on competitive skills contests. HOSA combines responsibility with the development of occupational competence.
Educational Trips
Students must notify the NMTCC Attendance Secretary at least one week in advance of family or sending school educational trips.
Field Trips
A field trip shall be defined as any journey by students away from school premises, under the supervision of a teacher that is an integral part of an approved course of study and conducted for the purpose of affording a firsthand educational experience not available in the classroom.
Students on field trips remain under the supervision and responsibility of the Joint Operating Committee (NMTCC School Board) and are subject to all its rules and regulations. Failure to abide by NMTCC's established disciplinary guidelines may result in the student’s inability to participate in future field trips.
The Joint Operating Committee does not endorse, support or assume responsibility in any way for any staff member of this school who takes students on trips not approved by the Director and the Joint Board. No staff member may solicit students of this school for such trips within the facilities or on the school grounds without the Joint Board’s permission.
All school regulations pertaining to student conduct, as identified in the Student Handbook, shall apply to students on field trips or other school-sponsored activities. For this reason, any infractions of school rules while students are participating in a field trip or other school-sponsored activity will result in disciplinary action.
Field Trip Dress Code
In order to properly represent NMTCC, students are expected to dress in an appropriate and reasonable fashion. Prior to the field trip, the instructor may distribute guidelines for dress attire. If inappropriate dress is determined, the student will not participate in the field trip.
*All students may be subjected to bag searches prior to leaving the building.
Student Responsibilities
BYOD Bring Your Own Device
Procedurally, to minimize delays, basic connectivity shall be coordinated between IT departments at both North Montco Technical Career Center and the sending school before the device or student arrives at NMTCC. For network security and management, all network ID's and passwords shall be exchanged between the districts. Therefore, a student should never require nor have direct possession or use of network credentials at NMTCC. When a user connects a BYOD electronic communication device to a School network or School technology resources this policy and guidelines apply. Users are subject to the same levels of monitoring and access as if a school-owned device was being utilized. Users who connect a BYOD electronic communication device to a school network explicitly waive any expectations of privacy in the content exchanged over NMTCC's technology resource.
One-to-One devices
NMTCC supports One-to-One district issued devices on our network. One-to-One devices are also known as district issued devices and may include Chromebooks, laptops, or tablets. All students, including full-time PYA2P students, will receive their one-to-one device from their sending district. Please read the following points carefully to understand the expectations and guidelines for using your district issued device:
Student Expectations
a. Broken Devices: If you are a full-time student (PYA2P) at North Montco Technical Career Center and your device is broken, please have your teacher contact the Technology Department to receive a loaner device. For all other students, please follow your sending school's policy on broken devices.
b. The student shall bring the device charged and ready to go for classroom use every day.
c. The device must always remain in the care of the student. Students are prohibited from leaving their One-to-One device at the NMTCC
d. While at the North Montco Technical Career Center, One-to-One devices should only be utilized for school related activities, course curriculum, tasks, assignments and studies.
e. While at the North Montco Technical Career Center, the student shall use the provided email and login credentials ( when submitting class assignments and communicating with your teacher.
a. Students are solely responsible for the care of the devices they bring to the school. North Montco Technical Career Center is not responsible for providing technical support or warranty coverage for district issued devices and is free from any liability in the event of incidental or accidental loss, damage or theft. North Montco Technical Career Center is not responsible for device security both physical and electronic and will not be held responsible for any inadvertently acquired malware on North Montco Technical Career Center network.
b. Network access is a privilege. Therefore, any misuse of the network may result in a loss of network access privileges.
c. One-to-One device covers one (1) district managed and provided device from the district. Therefore, one device per student shall be given access unless approved otherwise for a special need or learning exercise.
d. One-to-One devices does not apply or include students’ personal devices such as but not limited to: smartphones, gaming systems, laptops, tablets, etc.
e. While at the North Montco Technical Career Center, students are expected to use the network provided. Therefore, use of hotspots or any unregulated connectivity method is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the Administrative Director or their designee.
f. Students shall not share nor be required to share their One-to-One device with other students.
a. Any device connected to a school network explicitly waive any expectation of privacy in the content exchanged over North Montco Technical Career Center’s network.
b. North Montco Technical Career Center’s technology resources and network are monitored to ensure compliance with this policy and other school policies including monitoring of users’ online activities.
Consequences for Inappropriate Use of School Technology
Violations of this policy may result in the temporary or permanent revocation of a user’s right to access school technology resources. Additionally, students may be subject to others forms of disciplinary actions for violations of this policy and/or local, state and/or federal law.
Additional examples of unacceptable use:
· Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright material
· Degrading or disrupting computer equipment or computer equipment
· Vandalizing the data of another user
· Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
· Invading the privacy of others
· Posting anonymous messages
· Destructing computer hardware or software
· Using the network for pornographic material
· Using the computer for personal use including email
The Joint Operating Committee strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Career Center to maintain an educational environment in which unlawful harassment in any form is not tolerated.
Title VII 42 U.S.C.
Sec. 2000e et seq
Title IX 42 U.S.C.
Sec. 1681 43 P.S.
Sec. 951 et seq 29 CFR
Sec. 1606.8 (a)
The Joint Operating Committee prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students by all Career Center students and staff members, contracted individuals and vendors, and volunteers in the schools. The Joint Operating Committee encourages students who have been unlawfully harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated employees. The Jointer shall be responsible to maintain an educational environment free from all forms of unlawful harassment.
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of their fellow students and to ensure an atmosphere free from all forms of unlawful harassment.
Students shall be informed that they may choose to report unlawful harassment complaints to: building administrators, teachers, counselors, or nurses.
All employees who receive unlawful harassment complaints from a student shall
report such to the Administrative Director or Superintendent of Record.
When a student believes that she/he is being unlawfully harassed, the student should immediately inform the harasser that his/her behavior is unwelcome, offensive, or inappropriate. In the event that such informal, direct communication between individuals is either ineffective or impossible, the following steps should be followed in reporting an unlawful harassment complaint.
Complaint Procedure
1. Notification of Appropriate Staff -
Individuals who believe they been subjected to unlawful harassment should initially report the incident to an administrator, teacher, counselor, or nurse.
If any administrator, teacher, counselor, nurse, or any other employee in the school receives a complaint in an informal manner, this policy requires those
individuals to file a confidential report to the Administrative Director or the Superintendent of Record about the complaint so that the school will be aware of any pattern of harassment by a particular individual.
2. Description of Misconduct -
An accurate record of objectionable behavior or misconduct is needed to resolve a formal complaint of unlawful harassment.
Verbal reports of unlawful harassment must be reduced to writing by either the complainant or the individual(s) designated to receive complaints and be signed by the complainant.
3. Time Frame for Reporting Complaint -
The school encourages prompt reporting of complaints so that rapid response and appropriate action may be taken. However, due to the sensitivity of these problems and because of the emotional toll such misconduct may have on the individual, no limited time frame will be instituted for reporting unlawful harassment complaints. Late reporting of complaints will not in and of itself preclude the school from taking remedial action.
4. Protection Against Retaliation -
The school will not in any way retaliate against an individual who makes a report of unlawful harassment nor permit any employee to do so. Retaliation is a serious violation of this Unlawful Harassment Policy and should be reported immediately. Any person found to have retaliated against another individual for reporting unlawful harassment will be subject to the same disciplinary action provided for unlawful harassment offenders.
Investigating The Complaint
Any allegation of unlawful harassment brought to the attention of the Administrative Director or Superintendent of Record will be promptly investigated in as confidential a manner as possible so as to protect the privacy of persons involved. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process to the extent practical and appropriate under the circumstances. In pursuing the investigation, the investigator will try to take the wishes of the complainant under consideration, but will thoroughly investigate the matter as she/he sees fit.
Resolving The Complaint
Upon completing the investigation of an unlawful harassment complaint, the school will communicate its findings and intended actions to the complainant and alleged harasser.
If the investigator finds that unlawful harassment occurred, the harasser will be
subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures, as listed below. The complainant will be informed of the disciplinary action taken.
If the investigator determines that no unlawful harassment has occurred, this finding
will be communicated to the complainant.
Maintaining A Written Record Of The Complaint
The school shall maintain a complete written record of each unlawful harassment complaint and how it was investigated and resolved. Written records shall be maintained in a confidential manner by the Administrative Director.
If the investigator finds that unlawful harassment occurred, the harasser will be
subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures. If the investigator determines that no unlawful harassment has occurred, this finding will be communicated to the complainant.
Employees found to have engaged in misconduct constituting unlawful harassment shall be subject to the sanctions set forth in the School’s Unlawful Harassment Policy governing professional and non-professional employees.
Administrators found to have engaged in misconduct constitution unlawful harassment will be disciplined in accordance with the policy governing administrative employees.
Pol. 218 Students found to have engaged in misconduct constituting unlawful harassment will be subject to discipline in accordance with the Student Discipline Code, which may include the elimination of entitlement to certain educational activities and counseling services relating to unlawful harassment. These situations will be referred to the sending school district for action under the sending school district’s Discipline Code, which can include, but not be limited to, expulsion.
The appeal procedure for employees and administrators shall be in accordance with
the applicable policies governing unlawful harassment. The appeal procedure governing student discipline shall be in accordance with the applicable Student Discipline Code.
Student Responsibilities
Student responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and conformance to school rules and regulations. Most of all, students share with the administration and faculty a responsibility to
develop a climate within the school that is conducive to wholesome learning and living.
No student has the right to interfere with the education of his or her classmates. It is the responsibility of each student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational process.
Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner. It is the responsibility of the students to conform to the following:
1. Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct themselves in accord with them.
2. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of the school community and
protection of school property.
3. Dress and groom to meet fair standards of safety and health, and not to cause substantial disruption of the
educational process.
4. Assist the staff in operating a safe school for all students.
5. Comply with all Commonwealth and local laws.
6. Exercise proper care when using public facilities and equipment.
7. Attend school daily and arrive on time for all classes and other school functions.
8. Make up work when absent from school.
9. Pursue and attempt to complete satisfactorily the courses of study prescribed by Commonwealth and local school authorities.
10. Report accurately and not use indecent or obscene language in student newspapers or publications.
Student Rights
Appeals Process
Every student is entitled to due process in discipline matters. Students are informed of the rules and policies and the consequences of any violation.
Any student has the right to appeal disciplinary actions to the Assistant Director or the Principal, and then to the Director of NMTCC who makes the final decision.
Cafeteria/Lunch Program
NMTCC’s Lunch Program is self-supporting and non-profit. It is maintained as a vital part of the school’s educational program. As such, well-balanced lunch is offered every day. An a la carte menu is also available including hamburgers, salads, and sandwiches. For students who bring their lunch, a selection of drinks is available. Healthy snacks are also available.
As participants in the National School Lunch Program, free or reduced lunches are available to qualifying students. Application forms are available, and are processed through the student’s sending school. The school also offers accounts for lunch payments. Accounts for lunch can be set up through our website, under Quick Links. Contact the Business Office to establish an account @ ext. 104
Students who eat lunch at NMTCC are expected to respect the rights of their fellow students by not cutting in the serving lines, eating in a mannerly way, placing trash in appropriate areas, and making certain that the table area is clean upon departure. No food or drink may be removed from the cafeteria. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times; students who misuse the cafeteria are subject to disciplinary action. A copy of North Montco’s food service, wellness and delinquent accounts policy can be found on our website at
Continuous Improvement System Form (CIS)
Any student can recommend improvement to our system. Parents and the community may make a suggestion by emailing northmontco@ Students are able to complete a continuous improvement form located in the administrative offices.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The following student rights and responsibilities have been derived from Chapter 12, Pennsylvania Code, Title 22, Education (1984):
1. All persons residing in this Commonwealth between the ages of 6 and 21 years of age are entitled to a free and full education in the Commonwealth’s public schools.
2. Parents or guardians of all children between the ages of 8 and 17 are required by the compulsory attendance laws to ensure that their children attend an approved educational institution, unless legally excused. Students who have not graduated may not be asked to leave merely because they have reached 17 years of age if they are fulfilling their responsibilities as a student.
3. Education is a statutory right and students must be afforded all appropriate elements of due process if they are to be excused from school.
4. Students have a right to express themselves unless such expression materially and substantially interferes with the educational process, threatens immediate harm to the welfare of the school or community, encourages unlawful activity, or interferes with another individual’s rights.
5. Students have the right to confidential communications with school personnel. However, where the health, safety, or welfare of other persons is clearly in jeopardy, confidential information may be revealed to the student’s parents or other appropriate authorities.
6. Students also have the right to:
• A safe, meaningful learning environment
• An appropriate and challenging curriculum
• Protection from physical or verbal abuse
• Discipline in private, when possible
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Regulations parents and students 18 years of age or older have the right to inspect and review the student’s education record within thirty (30) days of the school’s receipt of the request for access, the right to request amendment of the student’s education records that the parent, guardian or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise violate the privacy rights of the student, the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA and state laws authorize disclosure without consent.
Right to Know
Beginning January 1, 2009, Pennsylvania’s Right-To-Know Law Act 3 of 2008 took effect. This law established that all records kept by government entities are presumed to be open to the public, with some exceptions. The North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) operating in full compliance with the law has established the following measures for requesting access to public records. These procedures are detailed in the Right to Know Policy and Administrative Regulations document accessible using the link below from the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records website:
A written request for access to a public record shall be submitted on the required form and addressed to the Open Records Officer, Dr. Beth Ann Haas, and sent by mail, fax, or email.